- 2021-07-03: Where are we going from here? Software engineering needs formal methods
- 2021-01-04: Load testing is hard, and the tools are... not great. But why?
- 2020-10-14: What's "good" code and does it matter?
- 2020-04-29: Terminology matters: let's stop calling it a "sprint"
- 2018-11-02: Kill the crunch time heroics
- 2018-08-23: Topologies of Remote Teams
- 2018-06-02: How I Work Remotely
- 2017-08-07: On Estimates, Time, and Evidence
- 2025-03-10: Stewardship over ownership
- 2024-12-23: Feel, don't think
- 2024-10-14: Making Rust builds fail from YAML config mistakes
- 2024-09-23: What I tell people new to on-call
- 2024-09-02: Reasons to write design docs
- 2024-06-24: If it never breaks, you're doing it wrong
- 2024-06-17: What's hidden behind "just implementation details"
- 2024-04-22: The only two log levels you need are INFO and ERROR
- 2024-03-25: When to use cute names or descriptive names
- 2024-03-11: Work on tasks, not stories
- 2024-02-26: "Help, I see a problem and no one is prioritizing it!"
- 2024-02-19: Go slow to go fast
- 2024-02-05: Too much of a good thing: the trade-off we make with tests
- 2024-01-19: The most important goal in designing software is understandability
- 2024-01-08: Are any of your features the steak on the menu?
- 2024-01-01: I found some of my first code! Annotating and reflecting on robotics code from 2009.
- 2023-12-11: Insights and questions from the original waterfall paper
- 2023-11-06: Accessibility is a requirement, not a feature
- 2023-10-16: Estimates are about time, so let's cut to the chase
- 2023-10-09: A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't.
- 2023-10-02: What would a web app canary look like?
- 2023-09-25: Making it fast shouldn't be the last step
- 2023-09-11: A systematic approach to debugging
- 2023-07-31: Throw away your first draft of your code
- 2023-05-01: You should be using hackdays to supercharge your roadmap
- 2023-04-03: Coding with LLMs can lead to more and better software
- 2023-03-06: Getting people to tell you you're wrong
- 2023-02-27: If software engineering roles were chess pieces, what would they be?
- 2023-02-20: What's in my software engineering tool belt?
- 2023-02-13: A systems design perspective on why chess.com's servers have been melting
- 2023-01-09: Names should be cute, not descriptive
- 2018-08-31: Even bad estimates are valuable if you use them right